Daily Inspirations!
*What Beauty can i see in the Rain today?*
I AM the One who chooses what i think!
*Can i use my Confusion as Growth?*
Peace is my Reality.
*What would Love do?* (Quote from a movie)
*What if You just believed in Yourself & in All your Perfection?*
I AM not giving anyone the freedom (permission) to make me angry. (Sadhguru*)
*if we never ask, we’ll never know!*
Attached to Nothing. Connected to Everything. (by unknown)
*Write down 10 Things your Grateful for today. Watch Your Energy shift.* (i do it every day…)
I AM operating on the Highest Vibration possible!
*How can there be 7 Billion people in this World…but it is so hard to meet someone!?*
Be empty. So the Universe can fill you.
*What if you could cut out all your favourite movie-scenes & patch them together…what kind of movie would it be?!*
Listen. Your Mind is trying to speak to You, beyond your thoughts.
*Let the Sun shine into your Heart!!!*
Which Emotion do i choose for today?
*I will always choose Adventure over Security..!*
ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS listen to your Intuition! It just knows…
If I AM not living fully, then who will do it for me?
*if we keep doing what we’re doing, we keep getting what we’ve got!* (quote by ?)
May we cause each other LOVE.
*Be someone’s Sunshine today!*
Wherever you are NOW, you are ten times STRONGER than that!!
*If you can’t control your Mind, then you are in your own prison!*
I Let Go & Flow.