The Smile.
Or…a random haitian-german coffee encounter!
Kind of morning, but not really morning anymore.
The day feels slow, cozy. It’s raining outside. Something inside me feels comfortable. I seek a cafe to work, yet apparently cafes with internet connection are not as common as in Bali…guess the digital nomads have dispersed into a different direction of the globe.
So I settle for just the coffee & my imagination, without wifi. Editing my book, so at least I can say i’ve done something today.
Here we go. In cafes (and that’s why I like working in them…) there is always a possibility to meet nice and interesting people. I start writing, moving, editing.
A daughter and mother, with African look sit down at the table next to me. We smile at each other. I love it when people smile, even if you don’t know each other.
Not enough people smile in this world, even though we should exercise smiling as much as we can, to lighten up our souls. Whether we know each other or not, doesn’t matter.
A smile jumps boundaries.
A good morning follows, a newspaper shared. And there comes the conversation.
Easily we fall into talking about life and travel and I notice how much I know about different countries…and feel fortunate and blessed for that being the case.
We speak about Namibia, one of my favourite countries. Turns out the beautiful woman I am talking to is from Haiti. Hmm…the Caribbean, probably also one of my favourites in this world.
So many colours, so much simple Happiness from the people, smiling all day long. Just enjoying life as it is, even if it is not always perfect. But what means perfect anyway?
We make perfect. We create it every day, with what we have, and with what we strive for. So. The day has taken a sunny turn…from rainy weather outside, to Caribbean laughter and shared travelling conversations on the inside of a cozy cafe, somewhere in my city.
I love these kind of encounters! Enriching, nourishing, lasting. How likely are we to remember a person who gifted us with a happy spirit and a beautiful laugh? Very likely…kindness is always remembered.
To make connections like these, with seemingly random strangers, which yet seem to have the same of Soul like ours, is what this Life is about! Is what living is about, in truest essence. We may be strangers, yet we are all connected…