
Most recent stories.

  • Blog,  Slider,  The Newest!

    Anything can Happen.

    You think you got it all settled, all sorted out, all in line. And then Life suddenly blindfolds you, turns you around a couple of times, and let’s you wobble off into a completely new direction, with no roadmap. Im…

  • Blog,  Slider,  The Newest!

    Under the Bali stars.

    Nyepi, the Day of Silence. The night of Stars. Hundreds…thousands. Shooting stars for every wish you have. It’s the balinese Hindu holiday, where the island is under complete lock down (funny, as the world is currently under lock down too!…

  • Blog,  Slider,  The Newest!,  Travel

    A crazy beautiful Day. Part 1

    Standing at the Entrance of Immigration in Indonesia, Bali. Waiting for 2 hours. Hundreds of people in line. Everything moves slowly. Hot Sun. Uncertainty. A global situation, and Visas are running out. Waiting. Waiting. Finally, after two hours we are…

  • Blog,  Slider,  The Newest!,  Travel

    Yearning for Adventure!

    Every couple of months, after i’ve been in one place, especially when i’ve spent time in Germany, i feel a burning in my Heart. A yearning. A longing. An Awakening of hunger…for Adventure! It’s like some part of me starts…

  • Blog,  Slider,  The Newest!

    Happy Christmas Vibez!!

    Soo…it’s here! Christmas time. Happy 1st Advent everyone… 😉 And careful when you’re spending time with All the loved Ones, who push your buttons so easily & wildly. 😉 remember to stay present & be kind. It’s Christmas-Love time! Even…

  • Blog,  Slider

    Every Day a different Energy!

    You know how Life can throw us about? Like today you feel on a high…and then tomorrow you’re like ‘Where the heck did that feeling go!??’ Yeah, i know. isn’t it a beautiful part of our permanently transforming life? The…

  • Blog,  Slider

    The Smile.

    Or…a random haitian-german coffee encounter! Kind of morning, but not really morning anymore. The day feels slow, cozy. It’s raining outside. Something inside me feels comfortable. I seek a cafe to work, yet apparently cafes with internet connection are not…