A crazy beautiful Day. Part 1
Standing at the Entrance of Immigration in Indonesia, Bali. Waiting for 2 hours. Hundreds of people in line. Everything moves slowly. Hot Sun. Uncertainty. A global situation, and Visas are running out. Waiting. Waiting. Finally, after two hours we are…
Tears & Dishwashing Liquid!
You know when you don’t want to let your Emotions run freely, because you’re scared they will overrun you!? Or when you don’t even really know what’s going on & suddenly you realize that you’ve been holding so much &…
You know when, based on your Intuition, you know stuff… But you don’t want to know. And then you try to convince yourself, that you are wrong, even though you know you are right. Yeah, that’s a b****!
Have you ever been in a Dance-Trance!?
Yes, i have. Last weekend. Gliding over the dance floor (no, im not speaking about drugs, but about a Feeling!… ;)) Latin Beats. Saturday nights. My body moves on it’s own, all the Thoughts dissolve. A Gentleman asks me to…
Yearning for Adventure!
Every couple of months, after i’ve been in one place, especially when i’ve spent time in Germany, i feel a burning in my Heart. A yearning. A longing. An Awakening of hunger…for Adventure! It’s like some part of me starts…
Happy Christmas Vibez!!
Soo…it’s here! Christmas time. Happy 1st Advent everyone… 😉 And careful when you’re spending time with All the loved Ones, who push your buttons so easily & wildly. 😉 remember to stay present & be kind. It’s Christmas-Love time! Even…
jars, anyone!?
How about re-using!? Yeah…it’s a biggie, i know. All over the media, all over the place, everyone is talking about how to reduce our impact on our planet & about a conscious life style. Soooo…i thought, since recycling has been…
Back in the Flow.
i Feel trusting, that my Life is going into the right direction Now, that it always has, even though there were challenging times, and that it always will, even though i might sometimes forget. And then i will remind myself,…
Gratitude is a Magic Tool… It directly & instantly shifts our Perception from whatever else it’s on, to a very, very Positive Frequency. What are You Grateful for today? Have you thought about it? Very easily we focus our Attention…
i feel a strong inter-connectedness today…to a lot of people and memories. Somehow to All. And yet, it seems to be a time of ‘Dual-Experience’ for me. I am outside of my comfortzone…where i am meant to be. I want…